Friday, May 27, 2016

Blurred Vision - Insulation Project

This project was intended to challenge us to build and design an insulation (using only phonebooks) that directly effects light, sound, and vision. In addition, this insulation was to be constructed in such a way that it would also provide an extraordinary experience for the inhabitants.

Blurred Vision
 My group's isolation affected all three effect criteria’s; our insolation when touched or moved, would provide a calm swooshing sound. It also controlled the amount of light allowed to leak through and where these spots of light would occur. In addition, when viewed down the hall, the insolation appears as a big blur; for the reason that, the hundreds of individual pieces when put together can obscure one’s vision.



Thursday, May 26, 2016

Virtual Modeling - Course Work

This course was intended to challenge us to complete particular assignments that introduced us to modeling and graphic design software/programs; such as Rhinoceros, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, AutoCAD, and Acrobat Pro DC.

Assignment 1 - Line/Layer


Assignment 2 - Collage

Assignment 3 - Surfaces
Ruled Surface

Doubly Curved Surface

 Triangulated Surface

Assignment 4 - Translation
Doubly Curved Surface

Triangulated Surface

Assignment 5 - Stereotomy

Cutting Surface

Subtracting Surface

Assignment 6 - Topology
Assignment 7 - Pattern

Assignment 8 - Diagram

Assignment 9 - Mapping

Assignment 10 - Rendering

Assignment 11 - Composites